Monthly Archives: August 2017


Sorry Enya fans this post has nothing to do with her. In case that is why you are here I’ll just post this:

No I am talking about a different Orinoco: 20170826_214306 This is from the Eaglemoss the Official Star Trek starships collection. I have been cherry picking these for a while and have finally got this beautiful runabout.

The runabouts were a wonderful idea. Like a shuttle but they certainly pack a bigger punch and actually seem to have an airlock – unlike the silly shuttles used in TNG.

Having this model allows me to tell you a little story. A poorly timed story but who’s counting?

I don’t remember how old I was when I stopped believing in Father Christmas. But this little ship might have been something to do with it. I have the vague recollection of asking for one for Christmas once – not a model an actual ship!

I have no idea what five or six year old me was planning to do with such a well armed vessel but there it is.

I do remember often asking for impossible presents from Father Christmas. It was my thinking that he was magical. He didn’t need to go down to Toys’R’Us did he?

It was all rather wonderful to be a child and believe in magic. I look forward to those days with my nephew.

I just wanted to say that I have checked this post. I really have. Unfortunately my particular combination of dyslexia and dyspraxia makes it really hard for me to spot typos. Please enjoy and I’ll try not to make too many errors.


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So I bought a fidget spinner the other day. I’m spinning it periodically while I write this post.

I guess I wanted to know what all the fuss is about. There is something fun about it spinning. I know that that is a very simplistic statement – but, as General Hammond once said, ‘Spinning is so much cooler than not spinning.’

As to whether it is actually going to beneficial to me in some way… to be honest I’m not completely sure. I certainly think that there is something about its simplicity that I appreciate.

It is so rare today to have simplicity. Games, tv shows, books, get so complicated. I have been working on a novel for so long now and the reason is that, while I think I know where it is going, it is perphaps too complex. So I am putting it aside for a while and focusing on simpler things.

If only for a little while.

‘I’m the General. I want it to spin.’





‘Chevron seven – also lit up.’

I just wanted to say that I have checked this post. I really have. Unfortunately my particular combination of dyslexia and dyspraxia makes it really hard for me to spot typos. Please enjoy and I’ll try not to make too many errors.


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At the beginning of the year I set myself the task of reading 47 books this year. I have only read 19 – and so I am quite far behind. I suppose you could say I am a little liberal with my definition of ‘reading’ –pexels-photo-247899 as I count audio books as a part of that target.

Nevertheless even if listening to the book rather than reading it I am still experiencing the story so I don’t see it as being all that different.

Audio books can be something of a minefield though. Sometimes I play the sample and realise that I don’t want to hear another word out of that person.

And other readers of course are absolutely magnificent – like Brian Blessed reading his autobiography – and when it comes to autobiographies who else would you want to read it except for the person about whom it is written.

I may be able to reach my target this year. It just means reading a few smaller books. I don’t see that as cheating. After all books range in size from something relatively small like Harry Potter and The Philosopher’s Stone – to huge words like War and Peace. No prizes for guessing which of those I have read.

So as well as reading many proper novels there will be a few short stories thrown in there too.

Reading is some thing I think everyone should do – and it always surprises me when I discover people who don’t read.

Currently I am listening to Thunderbird by Chuck Wendig – and reading 2001 a space odyssey by Arthur C. Clarke.

Happy reading.

I just wanted to say that I have checked this post. I really have. Unfortunately my particular combination of dyslexia and dyspraxia makes it really hard for me to spot typos. Please enjoy and I’ll try not to make too many errors.


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Nitpicking and Reviewing

I like to watch television shows analytically. pexels-photo-143714 I enjoy the process of seeing more than what is there. Some people, citation needed, have the attitude of: ‘It’s a TV show you’re thinking too much.’ – or words to that effect.

I know fiction is fiction. Yes here at Unstable Orbit – we state the obvious! I don’t know who we is!

What I mean is I know that fiction isn’t something that matters in the grand scheme of things but analysing it is fun to me. Again some people say that picking it apart ruins the fun. I disagree.

For a few years I have been watching SFdebris. He does reviews of various TV shows, with Star Trek being his flagship show, and I find these reviews fascinating. He has wonderful insights into what works and, more interestingly, what doesn’t work.

When something doesn’t work in fiction it is interesting to discuss it – and also what could have been done differently. What is most infuriating is when an episode has a flaw but also an easy fix.

I have been thinking for a while of doing reviews on this site. If I did I would probably start with Star Trek: Voyager. Voyager is an interesting series to discuss because, while it isn’t actually bad, it could have been so much more.

I have also been watching ruminations by a You Tuber called Lorerunner. I have been watching his reviews of Voyager too and Babylon 5. Since he is a big fan of Babylon 5 it is very easy to gush over the series. There is still a lot to say about a, for lack of a better word, good series but it is more fun to talk about a flawed series.

Speaking of Babylon 5 reviewing like this is what Captain Sheridan would probably call ‘Armchair quarterbacking’. Although, unlike the strict interpretation of that phrase, I actually have some writing experience.

Experience is a curse sometimes because you can see the gap in fiction and reality. Does that make sense? Let’s say you’re a cellist. If a character is playing the cello you would immediately know that it wasn’t real.
Similarly with writing I can’t turn off my brain so I will  Woman Playing the Violoncello notice when things go wrong in fiction. These can be big nitpicks or small nitpicks.

Small nitpicks are not an issue to me. If the Enterprise fires a phaser from the torpedo tube it is just a goof doesn’t effect the story. However if the Enterprise is suddenly able to beam through shields that is a problem because of how often that has been relevant to the stories.

Since procrastination is my middle name I don’t know when I will get to reviews. I already have a lot of projects I am interested in doing. However if I don’t ultimately end up doing this I want to leave you with this final thought.

Picking apart a TV series doesn’t mean I don’t also like it. Some series have gaping holes in them and many a head scratchier moment. However if the story is well told we can ignore these flaws.

Amongst Star Trek fans Threshold is often seen as one of the worse episodes. While it is bad it can still be enjoyed – just not, necessarily, in the way it was intended.

I just wanted to say that I have checked this post. I really have. Unfortunately my particular combination of dyslexia and dyspraxia makes it really hard for me to spot typos. Please enjoy and I’ll try not to make too many errors.


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